<変更サマリ> |
- 「代理手配」や「法人登録」という手配区分を新たに設けました(新規登録の方向け)
→代理手配についての詳細説明はこちら - 身分証登録フローが変更になりました。
→身分証ご登録の流れはこちら - タスカジさんが安心してご依頼を遂行できるように、ご依頼先の情報など依頼者のプロフィール登録項目が追加されました。(2を参照)
◯代理手配区分と代理手配者情報 ◯訪問先のご本人様情報 ◯プロフィール情報 |
- 個人情報やご家庭のプロフィール情報はご依頼をしているタスカジさんにのみ公開されます。各プロフィール設定項目欄にそれぞれの公開範囲の記載がありますので、ご確認ください。
◯例:情報を入力された際に、依頼しているタスカジさんからは以下のように見えます。(一部抜粋) - 複数のタスカジさんへ同時に依頼している場合などには、プロフィール上で設定された情報は、ご依頼されているタスカジさん皆さんがご覧になれる状態となります。よって、家の写真画像などは、ご依頼される内容によって必要な範囲で設定頂き、都度ご更新頂ますようお願いいたします。
- 2022年2月のプロフィール改定よりも前にご登録頂いた方は、代理手配や法人登録の場合にも「本人利用」の区分となっておりますが、引き続き「本人利用」の区分のままでご利用が可能です。
タスカジさんへのご依頼は、こちらからお試しください。⇒⇒⇒ タスカジさんを検索する
- 依頼者の登録区分へ「本人利用」に加えて「代理手配」「法人登録」追加に伴い、各区分に対する利用に関する規定を追加・修正いたしました。(第2条 規約への同意 (3)(4)、第3条 ユーザー登録 (3)(4)、第4条 家事代行業務の依頼 (1)(3)(6)、第11条 依頼者の責任 (3)、第15条 当社の責任 (1)(4))
- 「代理手配」追加に伴い、依頼者本人の意思能力がない場合等の規定を追加いたしました。(第3条 (6-8))
- その他、文意を明確にするための改定等を行いました。
- 「代理手配」「法人登録」の場合に手配者よりご提供頂く情報について規定を追加いたしました。(第1条 (1)(3))
- サービスの利用に伴うクレジットカード等による決済手続に際してユーザーの銀行口座やクレジットカード等若もしくはそれらの利用の正当性・真正性をについて、金融機関、クレジットカード会社等に確認する場合、又または、金融機関、クレジットカード会社等からこれらの事項につき確認を求められた場合の規定を追加いたしました。(第3条 (4))
- その他、文意を明確にするための改定等を行いました。
The "Profile Registration" and "Profile Modification" pages for the Client and TASKAJI-san, as well as TASKAJI-san’s public profile page, were renewed on February 15, 2022!
The following is a description of the changes. Please check them out.
1.Profile registration flow and registration details have been changed.
- In addition to "Personal Use", we have added "Proxy Arrangement" and "Corporate Use" as new arrangement categories for Clients.
→Click here for the detailed explanation of "Proxy Arrangement" and "Corporate Use".(in Japanese) - The registration flow for IDs has been changed.
→Click here for the ID registration flow.(in Japanese) - In order for TASKAJI-san to carry out their requests with peace of mind, additional items have been added to the client's profile, including the client's information. (See 2)
2.Client's profile settings have been increased.
In order to provide more detailed information to the TASKAJI-san you request, and to strengthen our safety and security efforts, we have added items that can be set by the client on their profile.
The additional items are listed below. Please use this information to explain your family's situation to the TASKAJI-san you have requested.
※The following information will only be available to contracted TASKAJI-san who have made a request.
<Additional Items>
◯Arrangement category and substitute arranger information ◯Information on the person to be visited ◯Profile information |
<How to set up>
To set up your profile, please click <here>.
<Points of concern>
- Your personal and home profile information will only be available to the TASKAJI-san who is making the request. Please check each profile settings section for the respective disclosure range.
The information will be hidden when the contract is terminated due to the end of the request or cancellation.
◯Example:When you enter your information, the Tascaji you are requesting will see the following.(Some excerpts) - If you are requesting multiple TASKAJI-san at the same time, the information you set in your profile will be visible to all TASKAJI-san who are requesting your services. Therefore, please update your profile with the necessary information, such as a picture of your house, according to the contents of your request.
3.TASKAJI-san's public profile page and application calendar have been updated.
・Renewal of the public profile page design
TASKAJI-san's public profile page has been redesigned!
We've made it easier for TASKAJI-san to visually promote themselves by adding a cover photo and a short self-promotion. As in the past, please check the profile contents and reviews to find the TASKAJI-san who fits your needs and family.
・Renewal of the application calendar
The calendars for "Spot" and "Weekly/Bi-weekly" are now displayed separately, making it easier to apply for requests.
◯Spot Calender
◯Weekly Clender
To request TASKAJI-san, please try here. ⇒⇒⇒ Search for TASKAJI-san
Please click here for information regarding the revision of TASKAJI-san's profile.
If you have any questions about profile revision, please contact our Support Center.
<TASKAJI Support Center>
5.Information regarding revisions to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy
The Terms of Use and Privacy Policy have been revised.
◯Main changes to the Terms and Conditions of Use
- In addition to the Personal Use, the Proxy Arrangement and the Corporate Use have been added to the registration categories of clients, and the regulations regarding the use of each category have been added and revised. (Article 2: Agreement to the Terms (3)(4), Article 3: User Registration (3)(4), Article 4: Request for Housekeeping Services (1)(3)(6), Article 11: Responsibility of the Client (3), Article 15: Responsibility of the Company (1)(4))
- When adding “the Proxy Arrangement", we have added provisions for cases where the client himself/herself is incapable of making such arrangements. (Article 3 (6-8))
- Other revisions have been made to clarify the meaning of the text.
▼The revised Terms and Conditions of Use
◯Main changes to the Privacy Policy
- In the case of the Corporate Use and the Proxy Arrangement, we have added a provision regarding the information to be provided by the Arranger. (Article 1 (3))
- We have added a provision for when we confirm with financial institutions or credit card companies the legitimacy and authenticity of a user's bank account or credit card, or the use thereof, in the process of payment by credit card, etc. for use of the service, or when we are requested by financial institutions or credit card companies to confirm these matters. (Article 3 (4))
- Other revisions have been made to clarify the meaning of the text.
▼The revised Privacy Policy
Please read and agree to the revised terms and conditions before using this website.
▼Terms and Conditions of Use for TASKAJI-san